Cleaning Service

Cleaning Services

Are you in need of top-notch cleaning services to keep your home or office spotless? Look no further! At SJR, we offer a wide range of professional cleaning services tailored to meet your needs.

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House Cleaning Service

Our dedicated house cleaners are trained to tackle all areas of your home, ensuring every corner sparkles. From routine housekeeping to deep cleaning, we've got you covered.

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Maid Service

Enjoy the convenience of our professional maid service. Our maids are reliable, efficient, and detail-oriented, providing you with a clean and comfortable living space.

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Office Cleaning

In addition to residential cleaning, we provide office cleaning services to ensure a clean and healthy work environment. Let us handle the cleaning so you can focus on your business.

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Tile Cleaning

Keep your tiles looking brand new with our specialized tile cleaning services. We remove grime, mold, and stains to restore the beauty of your tiled surfaces.

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Cleaning Services  Guide 

Service Type Duration Price Range
2 Cleaners 1 Hour $60 - $100
2 Cleaners 2.5 Hours $150 - $250
2 Cleaners 3.5 Hours $210 - $350
Standard Cleaning Varies $120 - $300
Deep Cleaning Varies $300 - $500
Reoccurring Varies $100 - $500

Cleaning Services for Every Need

Recurring Cleaning Services

Sign up for our recurring cleaning services to ensure your home stays consistently clean. We offer discounts and flexible scheduling to fit your lifestyle.

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House Keeping

Our housekeeping services include everything from daily chores to deep cleaning tasks. Let us take care of your home so you can enjoy a clean and organized space.

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Professional Cleaning Services

We offer a full range of professional cleaning services designed to meet the highest standards. Trust us to deliver exceptional results every time.

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Home Cleaning

We offer a variety of home cleaning services tailored to your specific needs. From routine cleaning to special projects, our team is here to make your home shine.

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Moving Out Cleaning

Moving out? Our moving out cleaning services guarantee your home is left in pristine condition. We handle everything from top to bottom, making your move stress-free.

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Spring Cleaning

Take back your home with our thorough spring cleaning services. We deep clean every area to refresh and renew your living space.

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Hear From Our Clients

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Ready to experience the best in home cleaning services?

Our team of professional cleaners is ready to make your home shine. Call us or fill out our online form to schedule your service.

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